British Mini Bikes – Round 6 – Pembrey Circuit – AMR Moto Race Report

Another highly successful weekend at British Mini Bikes this weekend for the AMR Moto Race team – with 3 bikes on the track amongst different classes.

Rhys Stephenson – Sponsored Team Rider – AMR Moto 140r

Race Results Overview

Race NameStart PositionRace Position
MB 140 Saturday Cup Race3rd2nd
MB 140 Heat 13rd2nd
MB 140 Heat 22nd1st
MB 140 Final1st1st

Rhys Stephenson again onboard the AMR Moto 140r, sponsored by Stomp and Watling Tyres secured 3rd place on the grid for the MB140 Saturday Cup Race during after a successful qualifying session in the soaring heat with a competitive time.

Heat 1

With a good start moving into 2nd by the 1st corner Rhys followed Ben Lord, taking the lead halfway round the first lap and holding the lead across the line for the first time. Rhys and Ben Lord continued to exchange places throughout this very tight race until a red flag incident saw the race come to a halt. A brief restart saw Rhys and Ben again fighting for the lead until a second red flag again put a stop to the racing. The final result was given to Ben Lord with Rhys securing second place in this first heat.

Heat 2

Rhys Stephen starting in 2nd place on board the AMR Moto 140r got off to a good start taking the lead into the first corner. With Ben Lord fighting hard, the two riders were again engaged in a race long battle for the race win. With Rhys briefly dropping to 4th and again to 3rd with W Lathrope joining the battle he quickly resumed the battle with Ben for the win. Crossing the line as they caught a back marker, Rhys took the win by 3/10ths second.


Rhys Stephenson on board the AMR Moto 140r starting in pole had a bit of a scrappy start where he slotted into second for the first corner with Ben Lord taking the lead. A good move during the first lap saw Rhys take the lead and again Rhys and Ben were locked in a race long battle for the duration of the race. D Pearson briefly joined the battle as did W Lathrope and J Lovell but it was Rhys and Ben who held onto the first two places. With a last push for the line, Rhys Stephenson took the win by 1/10ths second from Ben Lord.

Some truly fantastic racing and congratulation to Rhys Stephenson for another win for the AMR Moto race team.

Rhys Stephenson with the AMR Moto 140r

Demo Bikes

R6 of the British Mini Bikes Championship saw Charlie Hopkins and Jake Whittaker stepping up to the challenge of demoing the AMR Moto Demonstrator bikes with some really impressive race results and helpful feedback. Thanks a lot guys!

Watch the AMR Moto 140r in action at Pembrey Circuit

MB 140 Heat 1

MB 140 Heat 2

MB 140 Final

Whilton Mill

AMR will be at R7 of the British Mini Bikes Championship with demo bikes giving you the chance to look at, sit on, touch and more importantly ride!

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